Preparation of alkyl benzene sulfonate EOR
2013-10-31 by seoer9
Synthetic sulphonates include alkyl benzene sulfonates? Alkyl sulfonates? Heavy alkylbenzene sulfonate, etc., wherein the alkyl group having a carbon number of C14 ~ C16 alkylbenzene sulfonic acid weight Salt can be used with the majority of our crude oil to form ultra-low interfacial tension system, which has become an important surfactant flooding. Heavy alkylbenzene sulfonate production methods based on different raw materials are mainly three kinds, as described below: (1) dodecylbenzene production method. This method is the main raw material in the production process dodecylbenzene-product production accounts for about 10% of alkylbenzenes. Dodecylbenzene heavy alkylbenzene machine for pellet production methods, composition and structure are very different. (2) UOP method. The method is based on kerosene as raw material, through hydrogenation of unsaturated materials removed, and dehydrogenation into α-olefin, and then with benzene alkylation of benzene production process, is currently the more popular methods. Dodecylbenzene using this method obtained when producing heavy alkylbenzene, alkyl having a carbon number in the C14, mainly around ingredient C17, is a straight-chain alkyl-based alkyl compound, oil processingssome polyalkyl ? alkyl benzene and alkyl benzene rings connected with an alkyl compounds. (3) wax lysis. With wax cracking as the alkylating agent, and benzene in the catalyst, after Fourier AlCl3 catalyzed reaction alkylbenzenes having a molecular weight than kerosene obtained product as a raw material is high, an alkyl group having a carbon number in the C15 ~ C20, C17 which ~ C19 as a main component.